North Country Clockmakers - By C.L Reid
Published by Pendulum Publications in 1981
Leo Reid’s book North Country Clockmakers was the first regional book on clockmakers and clocks to be written and it covers clockmakers in most of the northern counties of England. Many collectors wrote to Mr Reid describing their clocks so that he has a unique record of clocks produced in the north. The book was first published in 1925. Although Mr Reid had died by the time Pendulum Publications decided to republish his work we were able to contact his daughter, who had typed the original manuscript, and obtain her permission to republish his work in 1981, with the addition of a frontis piece and a copy of a Christmas card about the Mansion House Clock which Mr Reid had sent to his friends in 1927.
Although we do not currently have any copies for sale, you may be lucky enough to pick one up second-hand at one of the online book stores. |